Wednesday 9 January 2008

Big Bilston Love Slam!
Saturday 9th February 2008
Imperial Banqueting Suite, Lichfield Street, Bilston, WV14 0AJ
• 8pm • £8/£7 concs. Ticket price includes food!

Tickets available from Big Deal Music
128 Salop Street
01902 423567

Treat your Valentine to romance, rhythm and rhyme!

It’s the time of year when love is well and truly in the air, so follow the pheromones and check out the competition as a medley of Valentine versifiers declare their most passionate poetry in a cut and thrust contest to win the hearts and woo the hearing parts of the audience. The first round is on the theme of romance – after that, anything goes…

Partners in rhyme Sara-Jane Arbury and Marcus Moore will compère thee to a slammer’s way, while random judges rate the writing, measure the performances and find the wordster with the X-factor. Who will be the reddest rose or bluest violet? Make it a date at Bilston’s premier poetic love-in and show your adoration for the talent on show! Up-and-coming poets who fancy taking part in a bid to seduce the applaudience, please contact Marcus on 01285 640470 or email

all you need is a heart that beats and a mind that speaks

poets compete
in a number of heats
with three minutes each
during which to try and reach
the hearts and minds
of those discerning kinds
who hear what they say
and respond in their own way
with tears or cheers
laughter or applause
with cries of encore
or a silent pause

judges judge how
the audience reacts
it’s competitive and lively
and some would say perhaps
it’s a bit like the Booker
because occasionally you find
that some crazy...
… emerges as the winner
who is not a Slam! champ
but just a brave beginner
who has the guts
to get right up
and stand and deliver
a stanza that captures
the moment and enraptures
those who are there

Sara-Jane Arbury

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